united Zou Organization Delhi Br. (UZODB) is the Apex Body of the Zo/Zou diaspora looking after the secular and political welfare body of the Zo/Zou community living in Delhi and its surrounding areas. It was established in Sept. 2003 at New Delhi as ZOD for looking after the welfare of the Zous. ZOD as an organization was a non-profit, non-religious and philanthropic body had done alot of good works in the past history. Mr. Philip Thanglienmang was elected its first President.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
44th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics held at CIIL, Mysore from 7 to 9 October 2011
Mr. Philip Tungdim a Ph D scholar (Linguists) from JNU, chaired the Second Session of the 44th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages & Linguistics at CIIL, Mysore on Oct 7, 2011. He wrote a number of books relating to Zou/Zo tones.
On this great ocassion, the Director, Central Institute of Indian Languages Mysore, Prof. Rajesh Sachdeva released his book " Minimal Dictionary and Self-tutor Functional Grammar in Zo-English-Hindi"
Friday, March 25, 2011
Zogal Day nia, MP Club, South Avenue mun a, UZO President Delhi Branch Thugenna
Tana hing kikhawm u leh naute, tu leh tate, pi leh pute, ZSP President leh Secretary leh ka seppiteng aw.
Zogal-Zogal Day nikhuo tam banga I manthei ziehun Pasien ka phat masa hi.
ZSP lamkaite’n tam banga ngaikhawtaha active part nang lah ziehun UZO Delhi Branch tang leh Zou mipiteng min in patatna sangpen ka’g tut/pie uh hi.
Tuitawgal sat dingin I pu I pate uh, 1917 kum apatin 1919 kum sungtengin ganta mat bangin a khuo a khuo ah, I pu I pate na kiman uh hhi. Tuachiin, 1917-1919 sungin Mangkangte khutnei ah gimthuohna na tuoh u’a, genthei liengvaina a na tuo uh, theizingna nikhuo khuh Zogal Day ahi. Zogal Day khuh eite dinga Lusunna nikhuo a melchi chiet dingin ka’ng theisah hi.
Eite’n Zogal I chipen uh khu tangthu gelsiemte’n Kuki Uprising ahilouleh Kuki Rebellion ahilouleh Kuki War of Independence chiin na khum uh hi. Tunidongin, Manipur gamah Kuki Uprising chiin a kithei gige hi.
Zogal pen kei na zahdan leh ka na theidan hichi ahi. Zou khuo khat a innsuongpa a’ng kikaidoh chiengin I Pusa I Pasa biehna pen a na buoi mama a, khum Lawki Pusa Pasa biehna hunah koi in Pu Gau Pa Gau a sam tadiei, khuleh a louta diei? Koi in a’ng makaipi ta diei? Chiin na lunggim na singim mama uh hi. Tuachia lunggimtaha a’ng op chiengun, Zou papite a na beidong mama uh hi. Innsuongpa pen Tuitawgal kaiding a na ngaisut chiengun, a tuotmaw keei uh hi. Va kuonta mawh uh leh, sina tuoh ngeingei ding uh hi chiin na gingta uh hi. Tua ziehin, Zou khuo pawlkhat na kiphin uh hi.
Zou nam pumpi thakhat a, kihoukhawm masa diemdiem a, na kiphin khawm uh hilou dingin ka gingta hi. Khumlaiin, Mangkangte’n a khuo a khuo a Labour Corps sepai dinga pasal thahatte a’ng khop bep un, Zouta kuol zil bang na killing hi. Bang kisuoh mawh ding ahiei chia a’ng kikupkup uh leh, Mangkangte dou ding ahi, chiin a na kithukim khawm dan u’a, gen pawl khat a om a, mi pawlkhat gendan kia leuleu ahileh, a khuokhuo a mite a matdan toh kizuia kiphinna na pieng giap ahibou hi, chi pawl zong a om hi. Bangteng hitaleh zong, historical record lui tahtah muthei ding a op lou ziehin, Confirm bawl hasa mama hi. Hinanleh, tangthu gielsiem pawlkhat gieldan in pen Zou hausateng na kikumkhawm un, Mangkangte a na dou uh hi, chiin na giel uh hi. Tam thu toh kisai in, tangthu gielsiemte’n a na khumlutna uh mun themkhat ka’ng simdoh ding hi.
1926 kum Pu Hrangsuaka leh Pu Dawnthawma tegel Kristian bulletin sungah Zo kichite’n
Mangkangte na dou uh hi, chiin na khumlut uh hi.
Ngulkhohua Lhungdim leh Dr. Kamkhenthang tegel in zong Zougal satthu na giel uh hi.
Chin Hills ah Pu Mangzakhup in Kuki Rebellion laiin Mangkangte na hu kha hi, chiin DC, Falam in na gielkha hi. Khuzieha, bangchidan a ama’n Mangkangte patatna a na ngathei ahiei? Chipen suikhiet dingin ahoi hi.
Tualeh, Pu Dominic Khammeng in 1993 laiin Tuitawgal Medal khat ei na ensah hi. Tuami Medal pen a vom sim ahia, “ka pu in a na san ahi” chiin ei hil hi. Tuachi ahitah leh, Zoute zousie’n Zogal a na sat uh ama? chi khu thudohna lienpi a om hi. Tam thu zong suikhiet dingin a hoi hi.
Tulaia, laigiel pawlkhat in khumpa khumte lamkai chi ma uh leh zong, bangma techi dihtah muthei mukhiet dinga a op lou ziehin genkipthei a om in a kimu sih hi.
Tuni Zogal Day pen Inn lamah zong thupitahin Zogal Hall ah nam zousie kimphiel in a kibawl chi thu zong inn lama patsain ka nga hi.
Pu Ginsuonhau in lailam pilna siemna sangtahpi nei sih ma nanleh zong I Nam ngainatna in silhoi tampi atongdohta a, a mi a sa tampite a na hu/panpi zouta chi zong I thei chiet uh hi. Tunia, I MLA nei leh I MLA luite, I Minister luite na keplou a na puo manlou uh, I Zogal Hall uh, Pu GS Haopu in thupitaha ahing lamdoh pen thupi I sa u’a, khuziehin, ama pen UZO Delhi Branch min a, patat lou theilou tangai phawmaw ahi, ama khu Zoute ngaina vawt khat in tangthu bu sungah I sim den ding uh, ka gingta hi. Khum ziehin, Pu Ginsuonhau ka’ng chi chiengin Kalaisai I chi ding uh hi, thumveitah. Khuchiin, Kalaisai, thumveitah mipite’n a sam uh hi.
Zou ka hi, Zou ka it ka ngai I chi u’a ahileh, tuniin Zogal Hall kilamzouta mananleh zong sum leh pai pen na dongtou zel un, chia bulpi lamte’n a’ng thuhlah ziehun, Delhi a Zoutate UZO sumdon, Zogal Hall sumdon pen dontou ding ahi.
Ei Delhi UZO te’n zong kum khat leh a kim val peizousa hun ah, Zogal Hall lamna dingin APPEAL letter Zokuomthawn leh Zolengthe , Laihawm tungtawnin na kihil zel hi.
Tuin sum pen mi phabeppi khat in a’ng tuohta a, hinanleh ei Delhi a omteng in tuoh kimchiet va ui, chiin hun a kibelap na lai hi.
Zogal Hall lamna ah, mimal khat in TEHLEI khat chiet tuoding chia, I zungpite’n a’ng gen ziehin, koipou gelsiem in, I kingapza chiet khu Zogal Hall lamna dingin tuoh chiet va ui, chiin ka’ng hanthawn uh hi. Sumdon paidon pen hi teitei heh, dong teitei un, kichithei zong ahi sih a, ei Delhi a omte pen innlamte ettontahte hiva ui, chiin ka’ng chiel u’a, ka’ng theisah sawnsawn uh hi.
Atawpna dingin, a bailam zaw leh a centre zaw chiin, mite kikhopna bailam chiin, ka requestna dungzuiin, Lutheran Church phalna toh, kum tampi ka na sih leh ka na bawlbawl Zou-English-Hindi Kizilna Laibu pen nikhuo March 13 niin MELC Delhi kikhop leh biehinn kai sungin Pasien min suongin Prof. P.K Pandey in honkhietna aneia, Pastor Kamsuonlal in Pasien kungah latna na nei hi. Tami Laibu pen Delhi leh India khopi tuomtuom a om ei singtangmite dinga ka bawl ahia, Nasemte, Sangnaupangte, Pasien thugente dinga ka bawl ahi. Adei a opleh, bangchih laipou a, Munirka leh ka inn a, muthei gige ahi.
Tami hun hampha ka nga ziehin, kipah ing.
UZO damsawt hen, ZSP damsau hen.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
ZSP Delhi XVIIIth Freshers’ Social Meet 2010 Program
The Zou Sangnaupang Pawlpi, Delhi Branch (Zou Students’ Association) is celebrating its XVIIIth Annual Freshers’ Social Meet 2010 on October 28, 2010 at Sir Shankar Lal Concert Hall, DU north Campus starting from 10.30AM sharp. The General President of United Zou Organisation GHQ Pu Ginsuanhau has consented to grace the function as the Chief Guest, Pu T. Doulianmang, An Entrepreneur as the Guest of Honour and Dr. David Vumlallian Zou as the Functional President. UZO GHQ Cabinet members are invited as a Special guest.
The Zou super singer, popularly known as Mauna Ngen ~ Pu Thangzalal @ TTLAL will be flowned in from Lamka as a special invitee. Beside TT Lal, another solo singers like Nh. Chochong, Nh. Betsy & George K Mate, Nh. Maannu, Nh. Mangnu, Tv. Joseph Doulunlal, Tv. Thangminlun @ Thazzz Tv Malsom will entertain the gethering. The most talked of the moment, a musical band like The Zotal Band and The Revival Thunders will rock the audiance on that day.
ZSP DB, established in the year 1992 have been blessed with members form every nook and corner of India. It has come down to the eighteenth anniversary from a humble beginning way back then. With the spontaneous support from families and all members in Delhi NCR, today ZSP saw this daylight.
SESSION I 10:30 am
1.Coordinator: Zamlianmang & Kapsutlian
2.Comperes: Tv. Goubiaklian & Nh.Buabuang
3.ZSP Anthem: Thou un Thou un
4.Invocation prayer: Rev. G.K Samte
5.Presidential address: President ZSP, DB
7.Speech: Functional President
8.Presenting Guest Artist TT Lal
9.Speech: Guest of Honour
10.Freshers’ Introduction: Tv.Siampu & Nh.Bibiana Chingnu.
11.Freshers’ thumsah na: Pastor S.K Mung.
12.Cultural Dance: Cultural Troupe
13.Speech: Chief Guest
14.Drama: Naupang te.
15.Ankuangthumna: Pastor Liankholal.
Lunch Lunch Lunch
1.Coordinator: Zamlianmang & Kapsutlian
2.Comperes: P. Thongkholian and Mary Zozam
3.Guest artist: T.T.Lal
4.General Secretary Report
5.Zotal band
6.Award Distribution: ZYO DB & ZSP Study Forum
7.Betsy & Co
8.Mr. & Miss Fresher’s Declaration
11.Word of thanks: Tv. Samuel Samte
12.Guest artist : T. T. Lal
13.Closing Prayer: Pastor T. Kamsuanlal.
1.Programme apoimoh dan bang tah in Co-ordinator ten ang heng lamdang thei ding uhi.
2.Koipou Freshers’ Meet ni chieng in itahsa tung ah nampuan khat chiat bang sah ding in iki theisah uhi.
Nuamvung, Tina, Dawny Hatnu, Lamnu, Kappu, Hohoi, Thangsuansang, Thonglianmang, Langkhanhau, Precilla Hoipi.
*Desk: Nh. Naomi, Hohoi & Lamnu
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
ZoTòn(Feast of Boasting)
Tami tonsong zung ah tònsielte huolkhâu in a kikhî uhhi. Tonsiel kitha masangin khosung tangvalte sielkân akidem u'a ki-apmaina tuomtuomte zong anei zêl uhhi.,Tonsiel akitha kuon chiengin atongpa tulpipa'n zu khuot ala a, akam bêm dim zên in amuom a tua tonsiel pên aphîtlu a tulpi (teipi) in asun a ashi tandong in asunsun uh a,pasal thahat pawlte'n tua tonsiel pen sât kichiin asât uh a, asât nâng dildel u'a,tualeh phohtâm tê in atêh uhhi. Tuachi in tonsiel gentheitah in ashisah zêl uh hi.Tuami pên guolnopna leh thupina in ala zêl uh hi.
Sa sem dîngin atongpa tute akingansie u'a, sa gil sa dîngin tanute akise let uhhi.
Minei leh mitêngtheite loungâl bawlzaw dîng guol ahisih hi. Pawi kibawl lah a thupi pên leh asângpên ahi mai hi.
Pusa-Pasa tunga kipâhna leh lungkimna pulahna khat zong ahi hi. Hlâ bêm lâitah in mite atong ût sese uhhi. Azieh ahileh zânlâi a lâmkaina leh lasah limna dîng ahi hi.Ton sîm dîngin akhojâng mite ahingpei khawm uh hi. Kâlkhat(hapta) vingveng zu leh sa nêhna,gulnopna amang uhhi.
Lâmkîl zawl ah atongpa alâmsah uh a atanute'n tuhpâl asietpieh uh, sil leh tênte leh silpieh tuomtuomte zong akipie hi. Laphuosiemte' n la aphuo khum uh a, tuachiin asa let uh a hun nuomtahte amang khawm uh hi.
Zân khovâh in la a sa u'a khovâ zên in lâm a kâi let uh hi. Tòn kân a guolnopna leh pawi thupizaw a om nawn sih hi.(Extracted from ZKT 2005 Sept).
Thursday, September 16, 2010
UZO Gen President in Delhi UZO, ZYO leh ZSP meeting host

UZO Delhi Branch 3rd Meeting on Sept 11, 7PM


1. I HINA KEPCINGNA(Retaining our identity)ZO i hina (Identity) pen ih kepcing sih leh ih mansuo thei ding hi. Kawlgam tangthu sung a minam gol khat na hi ngai Pyu minam te in a ngaina, a kam leh a tangthu te a kepcing lo zieh vun tu in a minam vuh mangthang in minam dangte valtumna (assimilation) thuoh in a omna leh a ngeina mel ki thei nawnlo hi. Minam hina ih mansuo lo na dingin a nei a thute kepcing kul hi.(a) Sisan leh haam (blood and tongue) Tuhun ciengin pupa tenna khuota pan in nuntat ol-deuna khuopi te ah ih teng vua thupha golpi hi ci thei ding hinapi namdang te ngaina leh haam in ei valtum ding zongh patau huoi mama zel hi. Minam khat eisuohsah (identifying factor) pen sisan (blood) ahi vangin ei gawmton (unifying factor) pen pienpi haam (tounge) a hi zaw hi. Ih sisan akibah vangin ih haam akibah sih leh khat le khat ih kithuoton na ding hamsa pai lien hi. Kawl te khat in ih haam hing zangh leh ih it tuom pai lenlon hi. Ih tate in ih Zo haam ang thei sih le minam dangte tawh ki thuo nuom hing sa in kiteen kipina (inter-marriage) ang om in minam itna zong ang kiem pai lien ding hi. Immigration department te thubulphu (motto) ah "lei valh in minam mang thai lo in, mi valh in minam mang thai hi" ci pen thuman ahi hi. Ei Zote pen micitawm te (minority) ih hi vua ih lai, ih kam ih ngaina ih kepcing sih leh a sawtlo in ih mangthaap thei ding vuh hi. Tua zieh in minam it nu le pa te'n ih tate Zozi, Zopasal ih sui sah ding vua, inn sungah zong Zo haam ih zah sah ding vuh kisam hi.(b)Ih tangthu, ih lai leh ih ngaina (our history, literature & culture)Ih Zo tangthu midangte gielte man ih sa sih a, eimahaw in lah ih giel vanuh sih vuh hi. A tawpsa kum (3) kiim in mi khat in mi dang gielh khat pansia in Zote pienna thu ang giel pen zuou bulompi a hi lam ih thei vua ih thangpaai ma ma ciet vuh hi. Leitung ah tangthu man pen tam khol lo a, a tam thei thei gelh ding beh ki sam ka sa hi. France galkapmaang Napolean in “Taangthu ih ci pen zuou bulompi a man bang a, sanna a hi hi” (History is a set of lies agreed upon) a ci ma bang in koima tangthu a man lien om lo a, a tawpna ah a tam giel pen pa a aman tangthu (authentic history) ang suoh lel ding hi. Tua zieh in mite gelh manlo cia ih phun phun sang in eima hawn ih tangthu giel ciet vai. Kumpi te in thukizahna (media) pen thukizahna (media) ma tawh le do kia ding hi a ci bangin ih Zo'te tangthu man te leh thei huoi tuom tuom te tulai tah thu kizahna (media) a thupi pen a ih nei Puzo news sung ah ih suo sah zo den ding vuh ki sam hi. Zo kici popo in Zokam leh Zolai ang thei na ding zong ih sep pieh ding ki sam hi. Zo haam Zokam kisinnuomte a ding in Kawlgam a kikhen ih Zo Laisiengtho (Thuciemtha) sim ding hoi pen ding hi. A zieh pen a tel nop mama tulai Zohaam (Today’s Zo Version) tawh ki tei hi a, tulai Kawlgam a om khangtha te'n simha a sah, India lam a kikhen Zo Laisiengtho te bangin a hamsa taangkam (archaic word) kizang lo hi. Tua ban ah ih Zo ngaina te a hi ki teen kipina, gal aih sa aihna leh ih ngaina laam (traditional dance) tuom tuomt lai ah ih koi banah ih tu ih ta te te thei ding in video recording bawl a kepcing ding zong ki sam hi.
2. PILNA SINNA (Education)Minam thupi ih suo na ding in ih pil masah ding ki sam hi. Tulai in pilna thupi kisa nawnlo in sumsui in gamdang ah ih ki thawi mang ta vuh hi. Pilna pen sumsui sumzonna ding beh hi lo hi. Pilna pen Greek kam in paideia ki ci-a, Latin kam in humanitas in na kilet hi. A khietna in “mi picing khat suosahna” (the formation of the human person) ci na ahi hi. Pilna in mi picing khat suo na ding a ki sam siemna, gamtat luheeh, om dan khawldante sinna a hi hi. 1990 kim a ki pan tuni dong pen ih gam ah nuntatna hamsat zieh in leitung mun tuom tuom ah Zo'te ki thethaang hun (Zo diapora period) ci thei ding a hia, ih mipil tampi te’n ei nuasie in mipilsupna (Braindrain) tampi hing om hi. Ahivangin tami kum zalom (21) pen “thu kizah baih pilna hun” (information technology age) a hi zieh in mundang a ki thethaangih mipilte pilna computer online tawh gawmtuokiana (braingain) ih bawl thei ta hi. Tua a hi leh mun tuom tuom a ki thethaang Zota te in ih pilna leh ih neisa te tawh ih minam ih puo thei na ding in “Zo Kithethaangte Kizopna” (Zo Diaspora Network-Zo.D.net) khat nei a, e-mail, g.talk, fax te banah a kisap leh “video tawh thukikupna (video conferencing) te na ngawn nasia tah a ih zah ding ki sam hi. Ih sep masah ding (priority)pen in Zo mite a ding “Education Foundation” bawl in sum nei lo laipil Zo tate pilna sang sin sah in domto lei ih minam ki tawi sang zopan beh ding hi. India gam Hyderabad Business School leh India Institute of Technology sangpite zong tuipi gal a om India mite hanciemna tawh ki phut a hi hi. Gamdang a om Zo'te in zong ih nuasia a tul gamlei ah ih mi ih sa te khanto na ding na tampi sem lei, a tulsa ih zogam hing nosuoh kia in Zo tate guolnua guolmaa ih ban thei pan ding vuh hi. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr in “Mang khat ka nei hi” (I have a dream) a ci ma bangin kei sun mang in zong “Singta gam pan vaibang hawm siem Sien vontawi Zo ciin le tuoi ten Sien tawh kop in pienpi laizom te omna pupa gamlei paa bang hing zem va’n, laizom Zo vontawite kil bang khangin, guol tawh tan bang kim na vai ee” Zo tate, hanlungciem, mapangton, khangto diemdiem vai.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Some thoughts on Zo Culture, Customs and Language
By P. Kham Do Nang in his unpublished B.R.E Thesis; Upto date history of Zo tribes March,1994 (Zo ngaina leh tuonthu khangthu); Yangon, Myanmar(Burma).
We all know that our nationality would remain and exist only as long as we preserve our cultures and customs. But nowadays we can simply say that some of our sons and daughters ignored our own cultures and customs., and are ashamed of it because of being Zo tribes. Some cannot speak our mother tongue(Zo/Zou language). They even avoid and shun from observing and abiding their own cultures and customs. Some even substituted other national names instead of their traditional names. Some modernize their personal name which their parents named them at their birth. Some even look down and curse their own tribe of Zo people. These are the great mistakes and faults of their parents or guardians, who carelessly allowed them to ignore and terminate their precious culture and customs from the very beginning of their childhood.(Page 330).
Donot let your whole family speak other dialect except our mother tongue(read: Zo) especially in your residence and its compound. Never forget to give first priority to your nationality, culture, custom, mother tongue and God. Keep your nationality by preserving your valuable cultures and customs which are as precious a silver and gold, that your almighty God purposely and especially provide for you from the beginning of the creation of the world.(Ibid.Page 332)
Actually, words that are used in Zo songs are common language which are widely used by Zomi of Tedim and Ton Zaang townships. In fact, some Zo traditional songs have been used in Christian songs. To be in line with the present situation as well as for the preservation of Zo traditinal songs and cultures, the Zo Christians should consider the used of Zo traditional songs in praising God. Since, Zo traditional songs are as precious as silver and gold, it is our task to maintain and preserve such a valuable merit handed down from generations to generations. (Ibid.Page 333)
The original tongue of the Zote might be Hâidawi dialect. As the Israelites retained the Hebrew language so also if we are going to retain our real mother tongue, we must speak Hâidawi dialect, for it was the first and lingua Franca of the Zote descendants. Similarly, if anyone among the Zote descendants would like to print any book or Bible, he would use the Hâidawi dialect words, not because of its fitness but only for it originality. I believe we all agree to give first priority to Haidawi dialect as our Zote- original mother tongue.(Ibid.Page 442).
Minutes of the 1st Executive Committee, UZO Delhi Unit
Posted on January 1, 2010 by ZSPDelhi source Zokuomthawn
UNITED ZOU ORGANISATION, DELHI UNIT in 19th December, 2009 [ 6:00-10:00] nin # No.48, Delhi Govt. Officers Flats, Greater Kailash, New Delhi ah 1st Executive Committee Meeting nei ua, UZO, Delhi Unit Formation, Finance Secretary Pu kitawpna lai, Zogal Memorial Hall Project –Calender 2010, UZO DU Fund leh Letter Head leh Seal aat ding thute genkhawm uhi. Tam genkhawmna a athupuosahte uh tam bang ahi.
Thuphasah 1 Na.: UZO, Delhi Unit pen, Delhi ZOTON 2009 dated 24th November 2009 ni apat Unit function pan ahita chi puonkhietna neu uhi.
Thuphasah 2 Na: Finance Secretary Pastor S.K. Mung in Hattuom a Pastor ahina suonlam a apan mun apat ki suutkhietna di’a kingetna apieh ngaituona nei ua, meeting kia chienga genkhawm ding in koi uhi.
Thuphasah 3 Na:
(i) UZO GHQ in abawl, Zogal Memorial Hall Project – 2010 Calendar copy 100 a’ng thot uh genkhawmna nei ua khat ah dangka Rs.50/- apat atunglam ngap dandan a zuoh ding, tualeh Delhi leh akimvel a Zousuon Inn teng a zuosuoh teitei dingin thupuohna bawl uhi. Tualeh ZYO, Delhi Branch mawpuohna pieh uhi.
(ii) Zogal Memorial Hall lamna ding a Delhi & NCR a Zou suonte’n bangchia pan la ding chi ngaituona nei uhi. Tam toh kisai a Appeal Letter (ngetna lai) mi sing chin a hawm ding in phasa uhi. Tam Appeal letter (ngetna lai) pen Pu T Zamlunmang @ Zolengthe in abeiteng hing tuohvang in Appeal letter zong hing bawl vang achi man in Committee in kipapithu puong uhi.
Thuphasah 4 Na:
(i) UZO, Delhi Unit letter Head leh Seals (President, General Secretary, Finance Secretary leh Round Seal) ban ah Receipt Book bawl dingin phasah uhi. Pu Philip Thanglienmang, President in phatuomngai in hing bolvang achi zieh in Committee in kipathu gen pai uhi.
(ii) Pu John Zamkhomang, Vice President in phatuom ngaiin Register Bupi leina’ng dangka 200/- sepdoh a, Committee in kipathu gen kia uhi.
Thuphasah 5 Na:
UZO Delhi kiphukhiet lopna, Pasien kunga kipahthu tutna leh latna hun khatvei neiding in hoi sa uhi, ahun leh ani ding pen meeting kie chienga guotdi’n ki thukim uhi.
Tam atung a teng ngaituo leh phasah ahijou in –UZO, Delhi Unit in peipi ding taangpi tam anei a bangon ngaituona nei uhi. Delhi & NCR a Zotate; Kolgam-Vaigam, Aneu-Alien, Ahau-Azawng khentuom a neisih ding, Khotang hinkhuo ettuup ding, Pupa tawndaan kepbitna leh Sangnaupang te lawchinna ding ngaituo zing ahi ding hi. UZO constitution bang jel a kalsuon ding in kihanchiem uhi.
Pu Zamlunmang in Pasien kung a kipahthu genna toh Ankuong thumna nei in hunkhata uhi. Inn tenu Nu Rebecca Nuomzavung in feltah in member peikhawm teng nitah ann nesah den ngal hi.